You’re doing everything perfectly: the food, the exercise, the meetings, the therapy, the sleep, the medication, the meditation, the yoga, the inspirational reading, the support groups, the supplements, the attitude, the gratitude, the prayer. You’ve built a new life. Now what? Let’s get the recovery vs life balance right.
Recovery is in constant motion, so be vigilant!
All of us in recovery quickly learn that recovery is not static, it is in constant motion and forever changing. Sometimes the reasons are frivolous – and other times it’s substantial personal challenges which derail us from recovery. Very early on it becomes clear that to have any chance of a stable recovery we need an arsenal of contingencies. And we need to remain vigilant.
What is recovery…?
If you are on the path of recovery you’ll know it has brought you a better quality of life, and an easier way of living. So, perhaps you don’t need to define it beyond that? But here we ask: What is recovery? How will we know when we have reached it?