Did you know chamomile tea packs a hefty punch against stress? Yes, it does. Drinking a daily cup or two will greatly reduce your stress symptoms. So much so that chamomile tea is one of my non-negotiable self-care habits. It gives me a nice stable foundation, where stress has less of an impact, and I bounce back quicker. Put on the kettle and join me!
Why vitamin D is good news for a good mood
It’s winter in the northern hemisphere. The days are short, the nights are long, and the light is dim. Due to the limited sunlight our opportunities to make vitamin D are much reduced – and that’s bad news for our mood. Learn why low vitamin D bowls us over, and what we can do about it.
Welcome to moodfoodmove!
Hello, I am Ava Blass: I run the moodfoodmove rodeo. It’s a delight to welcome you to the moodfoodmove website – which I hope will contribute something valuable to your quality of life. It is moodfoodmove’s hope that you’ll take good care of yourself.